Award Night 2023

Diversity. Exchange. Gala.

The Swiss Diversity Awards Nights will be particularly colourful in 2023, reflecting the diversity of the guests. In addition to the winners of the Swiss Diversity Awards, a live music programme with a variety of musicians and artists awaits us.

On 9 September 2023, Swiss personalities and projects will receive the Swiss Diversity Award for their commitment to diversity and inclusion for the 5th time. In addition to the award ceremony, the event in the Kursaal Bern also offered an exceptional supporting programme. The categories in which the winners are honoured are "LGBTQ+", "Gender", "Age", "Disability", "Education & Social Background", "Nationality & Ethnicity" and "Religion & Spirituality". Two special prizes are also awarded: The "Allianz Lifetime Award" honours a personality for their life's work, and the "Swisscom Entrepreneurship Award" a D&I business idea with potential and scalability.

The next Swiss Diversity Award Night will take place on 7 September 2024 in the Kursaal Bern.

Nominees 2023

A bit of Sofia
Kategorie: LGBTQ+
Nominiert: A bit of Sofia
What does diversity mean to you?
Diversity means being yourself. Diversity means staying true to yourself. Diversity means accepting all people. It's important to live this diversity and also to carry it outward. Through visibility, we strengthen acceptance for everyone. Only through presence can we drive society forward and promote acceptance. Those who do not actively fight against discrimination support the intolerant world as it is today. What would winning the award mean to you? This award would show me that I'm on the right path. It would show me that my work is important and can inspire others to be themselves and live their lives. It would be a huge boost to my motivation to continue and carry my message outward, to help others. What sets you apart in the area of diversity from others? Unlike many other organizations and individuals, my project clearly moves away from labels. The focus should be on the individual person and not on pigeonholing. Ultimately, as human beings, we are much more the same than different. The world would be a better place if this were more widely recognized.
Kim de l'Horizon
Category: LGBTQ+
Nominated: Kim de l'Horizon
KIM DE L'HORIZON, born 2666 on Gethen. Before 'Blutbuch', Kim tried to gain attention with prizes for young writers - including the Textstreich competition for unwritten poetry and the Damenprozessor. Today, Kim has had enough of "ME", studies witchcraft at Starhawk and writes collectively in DELIRIUM magazine. 'Blutbuch' was awarded the Literature Prize of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation in 2022 as well as the German Book Prize and the Swiss Book Prize. The novel has been translated into 16 languages.
Regards Neufs (Projekt), Base Court (Organisation)
Category: Disability
Nominated: Regards Neufs (Project), Base Court (Organisation)
What does diversity mean to you? For us, diversity means that all components of a society must be emphasised in order to make it fairer. Emphasising people with disabilities can only lead to an enrichment of encounters and interactions between us all. Regards Neufs wants to promote integration through culture in order to create a society that is more diverse and respects all people. What would it mean to you to win the award? Receiving an award is always a pleasure and a recognition of the work we have done. For us, it is proof of the relevance of our work. An award like the one from Swiss Diversity gives us confidence and encourages us in our desire to continue our work for a more inclusive society. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? Regards Neufs offers the only comprehensive programme for accessible films in Switzerland. From the production of audio descriptions and subtitles to screen projection, we promote inclusion through education and political influence. Our work has created a nationwide knowledge and advice platform on all aspects of film.
Kim de l'Horizon
Category: Disability
Nominated: BewegGrund
What does diversity mean to you? Beweg Grund stands for equal rights, self-determination, equal opportunities and inclusion: our goal is the natural coexistence of people with and without disabilities in cultural projects. For 25 years, BewegGrund has worked tirelessly for the inclusion of people in the dance sector and offers a unique platform in Switzerland for people who have long been excluded from the cultural sector. What would it mean to you to win the award? It would be an excellent recognition of our work, it would raise our profile and even more people would find out about us. Of course, we would also simply be delighted. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? BewegGrund lives inclusion from the office to the stage. Workshops are led by inclusive teams of two, the website is accessible with audio description, and performances are translated into sign language. The board and the team are inclusive. The work is based on the idea that everyone can dance, regardless of age or physical ability.
Ecoute Voir
Category: Disability
Nominated: Ecoute Voir
Was bedeutet für Sie Diversity? Vielfalt ist die Essenz unserer Menschlichkeit. Die Berücksichtigung individueller Eigenheiten und Bedürfnisse öffnet die Tür zu neuen Wahrnehmungswelten, zu weiteren Horizonten. Wenn sie willkommen geheissen und respektiert wird, ist die Vielfalt eine Bereicherung für unsere Gesellschaft. What would it mean to you to win the award? For Ecoute Voir, winning the award would increase the visibility of their commitment to people with disabilities and recognise the tremendous work of the organisation's team. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? Ecoute Voir is the only association in Switzerland to offer barrier-free access to the arts for audiences with both visual and hearing impairments. As a pioneer in this field, it has worked since 2014 to introduce this accessibility and raise awareness among a large number of theatre structures and public bodies. She has also advised other organisations to develop accessibility in Switzerland.
Category: Age
Nominated: SenopiVR
What does diversity mean to you? The 65+ age group is subject to stereotypes that often portray them as incapable of using technology. However, we are convinced that the opposite is true, which is illustrated by the positive application of our VR solution. For us, diversity means that we are open to all people regardless of their age, abilities and background. What would it mean to you to win the award? Winning the award would give us a platform to raise awareness of ageism and stereotypes. It would enable us to spread our message further and draw attention to the outstanding abilities and potential of older people. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? Our focus is on offering innovative solutions specifically for older people, as there are only a few applications that specifically cater to their needs. We actively tackle stereotypes and show that older people are perfectly capable of using and benefiting from technology.
Kategorie: Age
Nominiert: Loopings
What does diversity mean to you? Diversity must not be a façade. It is the real foundation. We build on it! Our focus is on diversity in the world of work. We promote the recognition and appreciation of individual differences, the participation of all those involved and the sharing of responsibility and power. Everyone should be heard, be able to choose their own path and play an active and creative role in shaping their career. What would it mean to you to win the award? This would be a valuable acknowledgement of our commitment as a charitable foundation and a recognition of the high relevance of our topics - ageing and work. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? We are looking for common ground - people and organisations who want to spin forward-looking ideas, work together and learn from each other. What sets us apart from others in our field is that we are very broadly based in terms of content and take different perspectives into account.
Kategorie: Age
Nominiert: goMENTAL
What does diversity mean to you? Very different people come together in our training sessions. We realise that we are not alone or strange and that others accept us when we are authentic. Conversely, we realise that people who we might have judged because they look different or come from a different context have many similarities with us. This is a very profound experience of diversity. What would it mean to you to win the award? It would give our approach visibility in the context of a topic that is very important to us. This would enable more young people to find out about us and help to build and utilise goMENTAL. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? There are so many great initiatives! With our work, we are working on a deeper level on the inner foundations that are necessary to live diversity authentically: If we understand our insecurities better, we don't have to project them onto other people as much.
Phenomenal Women Global
Kategorie: Age
Nominiert: Phenomenal Women Global
What does diversity mean to you? Diversity means embracing unique experiences, perspectives and identities to foster innovation and better decision-making. We have mentoring programmes that bridge the gap between networks and underserved communities. Our panels inspire innovative solutions. We offer internships for talented individuals from underrepresented groups to give them valuable experience and access to the marketplace. What would it mean to you to win the award? Winning the award would be an affirmation and recognition of our efforts to promote diversity and empower women from underserved communities. It would confirm that our mission, vision and core values are having a significant impact and creating positive change in the lives of women and girls. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? Our uniqueness lies in our focus on women from disadvantaged communities, especially minorities, African women and women of African descent. We create safe spaces where women can network, share experiences and support each other.
Projekt "Préaux en tous genres"
Kategorie: Age
Nominiert: Gender + "Préaux en tous genres"
What does diversity mean to you? Our intersectional approach to inequalities has enabled us to avoid a binary analysis of gender. We believe that diversity is reflected in the multitude of personal and collective needs and desires that need to be recognised, valued and defended. When we think and act for those who are marginalised, all people can (re)find their place and the community is enriched and strengthened. What would it mean to you to win the award? Apart from the results, which we consider to be extremely informative for researchers and public institutions, the prize would recognise our original approach and in particular the involvement of the public in the measures that affect them. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? Many pedagogical practices, administrative and political approaches tend to perceive children as innocent and not affected by the (re)production of gender inequalities. On the contrary, we have tackled this issue head-on and wanted to make it legitimate, even necessary, to problematise these resistances.
Tribus Urbaines
Kategorie: Age
Nominiert: Tribus Urbaines
What does diversity mean to you? Cultural and economic richness, diversity and inclusion are core values at Tribus Urbaines, a company founded by two people with a migration background. Openness is reflected in positive discrimination and preference is given to applicants with a "diversity background", especially women. 12 out of 14 employees have a migrant background, including a transgender woman of Algerian origin. What would it mean to you to win the award? Tribus Urbaines is multicultural; all employees and trainees have a migration background. The company favours working conditions beyond the CLA and promotes career prospects. It fights for self-confidence and identity and supports the sustainable inclusion of people from diverse backgrounds. The award strengthens the visibility of feminist entrepreneurs and encourages them to realise their potential. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? The appreciation and integration of migrant backgrounds and/or atypical careers is firmly anchored in our company. Tribus Urbaines was founded by women with diverse backgrounds who understand the challenges involved.
Nicky B Fly
Kategorie: Education & Social Background
Nominiert: Nicky B Fly
What does diversity mean to you? Diversity shows the variety of our society, regardless of gender, age, religion and origin. It takes into account ethnic, political, cultural, sexual, social and intellectual backgrounds, promotes a person's diversity and scrutinises the way we deal with it. Diversity means acceptance, recognition and respect for all. What would it mean to you to win the award? For me, the award means recognition, appreciation and responsibility. I see it as an honour and an opportunity to represent diversity in the country with respect and love. It allows me to bring the topic closer to other people and shows that my passion and efforts are being recognised. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? What characterises me is that I try to unite everything and show people that you don't have to choose something, but that it's ok to be a mixture. This is one reason why my music is a mixture of different styles. I mix styles, languages (DE,EN,FR,Lingala) colours and try to live, radiate and package the diversity with my lyrics in a way that everyone feels welcome.
Capacity Zürich
Kategorie: Education & Social Background
Nominiert: Capacity Zürich
Was bedeutet für Sie Diversity? For Capacity, diversity means recognising and valuing diversity in all its forms. Diversity enables us to unleash the potential of each individual and develop innovative ideas and creative solutions. Our aim is to enable people to realise their full potential and actively participate in social, economic and cultural life, regardless of their background. What would it mean to you to win the award? For us, the award would be recognition of our efforts to promote D&I in Switzerland. The visibility associated with the award would enable Capacity to increase its reach, raise its profile and attract new program participants and partners with whom we can jointly develop further offerings. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? Capacity is characterized by intersectionality, focusing on gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, social class and disabilities. We adapt programs to individual life realities. Experienced team and board with migrant backgrounds strengthen our understanding of the participants. Our inclusive community of locals and newcomers promotes diversity and respect.
Kategorie: Education & Social Background
Nominiert: Ting
What does diversity mean to you? Diversity means more knowledge, more ideas, more perspectives, more orientations. In general, it stands for greater creative potential. In a society that is forced to react to urgent challenges, diversity is the only way to quickly find and try out intelligent, new solutions. Diversity is the catalyst that our society needs to act sustainably in the future. What would it mean to you to win the award? It would allow us to reach people, draw attention to our idea and give media professionals the opportunity to embed the concept behind Ting in a societal value shift. The award would bring recognition to our team and 471 members by acknowledging that we are seen for our efforts to offer more people the opportunity to create a positive impact on themselves and society. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? We unite old and young, the financially independent and the less well-off, people with ideas and those who are inspired by them, the marginalized and the mainstream. We show what happens when diversity proactively creates realizable possibilities. Ting is diversity extracted and applied. As such, we serve as a springboard for new ideas from those who previously had no access to support for their project.
“Wer hat Angst vorm weissen Mann?“ Theaterstück
Kategorie:Nationality & Ethnicit
Nominiert: “Wer hat Angst vorm weissen Mann?“ Theaterstück
What does diversity mean to you? For me, especially in my profession as an actress, diversity means that people, however different they may be, are judged on their talent. That roles are cast more courageously and that a reflection of our society is shown in the theater, on the screen or on television and not what goes on in most people's heads. What would it mean to you to win the award? If we were to win this award, it might not seem like much would change at first glance. We have already set an example and will continue to do so. The real "work" takes place outside. In places where we are not yet welcome. Personally, it is still important to me to perform this play in places where people have not (yet) dealt with the issue of police brutality in Switzerland. Perhaps this prize will open doors that were previously closed. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? Our play 'Wer hat Angst vorm Weissen Mann?' brought together artists who have one thing in common. We are BLACK. And are therefore often ignored or are alone in productions, rarely in pairs. With our collective, we are the first BLACK production in Switzerland, only the costume department is read WHITE. They are simply the best! Talent sometimes comes first.
Kategorie:Nationality & Ethnicit
Nominiert: auticon
What does diversity mean to you? For us, diversity means focusing on people and understanding their personal experiences, characteristics, challenges and opportunities as added value for society. This not only sustainably improves the living conditions of minorities, but also expands Switzerland's culture step by step into the future. What would it mean to you to win the award? Our aim is to include people who have often been unemployed for a long time. We encourage companies to give these people a new chance and thus create added value for everyone. Winning the award reinforces our message that there is enormous potential in the inclusion of autistic people that has not yet been fully exploited in Switzerland. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? Autism is an "invisible" disorder that affects around 1.5% of Swiss people. Autistic people are not a closed group, but highly individual. Neurodiversity is often overlooked when other factors such as age or origin take center stage. We always work intersectionally. The inclusion of other factors is very important to us. Unfortunately, this is often lacking in other interest groups that only emphasize "their" factor and represent a defined group.
Lisa Bosia
Kategorie:Nationality & Ethnicit
Nominiert: Lisa Bosia
What does diversity mean to you? Diversity is richness, beauty, inspiration, a challenge. On the one hand, diversity defines us and on the other, it enables us to expand our identity beyond our borders. But in my personal experience, diversity is also a source of great suffering, because for many it means discrimination, not having the "right" passport, speaking a different language or having a different skin color. What would it mean to you to win the award? Winning the prize would be a recognition on behalf of all people fighting for the right to citizenship of migrants worldwide and especially in Europe. The issue of migrants' rights is painfully topical today. There are dozens of volunteers fighting for the recognition of these rights at the borders of Europe. And their work is often obstructed, stigmatized, trivialized and ridiculed. This prize would be dedicated to all those invisible people. What sets you apart from others in the area of diversity? Every person who fights for the recognition and promotion of diversity is a piece of a single puzzle. I don't think I have any special merits or qualities, I just do what I believe in with great passion. But I recognize myself in the voice and work of my brothers and sisters who are fighting for the same goal.

Jury 2023

Two independent juries select the winner of the Swiss Diversity Award from the projects submitted to Swiss Diversity in each of the categories "LGBTQ+", "Gender", "Age", "Disability", "Education & Social Background", "Nationality & Ethnicity" and "Religion & Spirituality".

Christoph Stuehn
Christoph Stuehn
Christoph Stuehn is Deputy Director of the Kunsthaus Zürich. Since its expansion in 2020, the Kunsthaus Zürich has been the largest art museum in Switzerland.
Bruno Barth
Bruno Barth
Bruno Barth has been Managing Director/National Director of Special Olympics Switzerland since 2011. Special Olympics creates space for encounters and conveys the values of diversity and inclusion.
Beatrice Simon
Beatrice Simon
Beatrice Simon was elected to the Bernese cantonal government on March 28, 2010 and has headed the Finance Directorate since June 1, 2010. She was elected President of the Bernese Government for the 2016/2017 and 2021/2022 terms of office.
Aleks Damchevski
Aleks Damchevski
Aleks Damchevski has made it his mission to make the world a better place. The world we live in, the world we work in. The way we lead and the way we are led. As a Diversity & Inclusion leader with more than 10 years of international experience in digital and HR, Aleks brings a unique, human perspective to create a more inclusive society.
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Sander
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Sander
Gudrun Sander is a titular professor of business administration with a special focus on diversity management. She completed her PhD (Dr. oec. HSG) at the University of St. Gallen in 1997 and received the recognition award of the Swiss Society for Organization and Management (SGO) for her dissertation in 1998. Gudrun Sander is Director of the Competence Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) and Director of the Research Center for International Management at the University of St. Gallen. She has been committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in research, practice, teaching and continuing education for three decades.
Vanessa Grand
Vanessa Grand
Vanessa Grand, a name that has long since found its place in the folk music and pop scene. Born with a handicap, it is now normal for the singer to be on stage in a wheelchair. Her musical CV is well worth reading and includes successes such as Countless live performances at home and abroad, open airs, winning the title of Musikantenkönigin and producing 6 successful albums.
Ellen Kocher, Präsidentin
Ellen Kocher, Präsidentin
Ellen Kocher is an economist and certified workplace wellness consultant with a Master's degree in Health & Wellness Coaching. Ellen has been dedicated to workplace wellness for over 20 years. Most recently, Ellen's work has focused on the 50+ age group and the 5-generation workforce, espousing the slogan "Don't grow old waiting!".
Hans-Peter Nehmer
Hans-Peter Nehmer
Hans-Peter Nehmer is Head of Corporate Communications & Sustainability at Allianz Suisse. Communication defines his life: "It is the link between us humans, allows us to understand each other," says Hans-Peter Nehmer. His motto: "Use every communication as an opportunity!"
Damien Cottier
Damien Cottier
Damien Cottier is a Swiss politician. He was elected to the National Council for the FDP in 2019. The former chief of staff to Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter was a member of the Neuchâtel cantonal parliament from 1997 to 2008, FDP parliamentary group president (2001-2005) and vice president of the Neuchâtel FDP (2009-2012). In 2022, he was elected parliamentary group president of the Swiss FDP.

Jury Religion 2023

Michel Müller, President
Michel Müller, President
Pfr. Michel Müller is President of the Church Council of the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Zurich. He was previously a parish priest in Thalwil for 17 years, specialising in teaching, youth and culture. He has been President of the Church Council since 2011 and has held various other positions on church committees and foundations.
Valentina Anzini
Valentina Anzini
Valentina Anzini is a theologian from Ticino and coordinator of the youth ministry of the diocese of Lugano. She is also one of the co-initiators of a new youth centre in Locarno. She is also a kickboxer and ice hockey fan.
Marc Blumenfeld
Marc Blumenfeld
Marc Blumenfeld is the founder and Managing Director of Alithis and has worked in the field of ethics, compliance and governance for many years. He is also passionately involved as President of the association "Sportler:innen für Offenheit und Vielfalt" (VSOV), which campaigns against racism and discrimination in sport, and is a member of the Zurich Centre Committee at STEP, the professional organisation for family counselling experts across generations.
Omar Kassab
Omar Kassab
Dr Omar Kassab works for Swisscontact, the Swiss Foundation for Technical Development Cooperation. He previously worked as a lecturer and sustainability officer at ETH Zurich. He is co-founder of the NGO "recollect Syria", which supports the past and future work of Syrian people who have experienced war, violence and flight. As a member of the Board of Trustees, he is also involved in the Zurich Institute for Interreligious Dialogue (ZIID).
Lilian Bachmann
Lilian Bachmann
Lilian Bachmann ist Rechtsanwältin und seit Ende November 2020 Präsidentin des Synodalrats der Evangelisch-Reformierten Landeskirche des Kantons Luzern, dessen Mitglied sie seit 2016 ist. Seit 2023 ist sie zudem Mitglied des Rats der Evangelisch-reformierten Kirche Schweiz, wo sie zuständig ist für das Ressort Öffentlichkeit und Werke und Einsitz im Stiftungsrat HEKS hat.

Das OK 2023

Sabina Brägger, Producerin
Sabina Brägger, Producerin
As a designer, I often find myself in an uncomfortable dilemma. On the one hand, I want to realise my visions of new products, on the other hand, I am bothered by the lack of consumer awareness regarding the origin and the often questionable nature of production. It's a difficult balancing act for me to expand the market with my ideas while at the same time avoiding the wasteful use of resources. How can I still survive in the market as a designer? And what contribution can I make to sustainability? For this reason, I see the solution for me in working with leftover materials. I want to localise unused materials that would otherwise no longer be used, develop them further and make them usable for product design.
Fernanda Wüthrich, Swiss Diversity Ambassador Latin America
Fernanda Wüthrich, Swiss Diversity Ambassador Latin America
Communication scientist, accredited business mediator and expert in intercultural communication.
Simone Aemmer, Allrounderin & Hotels
Simone Aemmer, Allrounderin & Hotels
With my commitment and my work, I want to contribute to ensuring that every person in our society has a place where they are respected and can develop. I pursue this goal both in my free time for Swiss Diversity and in my aspired professional field of diversity management and internal communication. I believe that diversity is not only a value in itself, but also a key success factor for companies and organisations. I strive to ensure that we all have the opportunity to realise our full potential in our society and especially in the workplace, regardless of gender, origin, age, sexual orientation or other characteristics."
Reyn Ffoulkes, Entertainment
Reyn Ffoulkes, Entertainment
Born showman Reyn hails from the sunny shores of South Africa and lights up the stage as a singer and actor, combining his passion for music with his love of entertainment. In 2012, he followed his heart to Switzerland and quickly established himself in the arts and culture industry. Before coming to Switzerland, Reyn performed in several professional musical theatre productions and was an official artist at international events. During his career in Switzerland, he has appeared in several television commercials and local musicals, and was recently a contestant on The Voice of Switzerland.
Achim Schäpper, Live-Regie
Achim Schäpper, Live-Regie
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Simone Müller-Staubli, Food & Beverage
Simone Müller-Staubli, Food & Beverage
Entrepreneur in the catering industry and hotel and communications expert
 Thomas Thommen
Thomas Thommen
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." by Mahatma Gandhi A fitting saying that perfectly describes my life so far. My career has been just as colourful and turbulent as this earth. From confectioner to dramaturgy (Basel Theatre) and a few other things, I quickly slipped through the family business into self-employment from qualified medical masseur to successful founder and managing director of Private life: I have been happily married to my husband for years, with whom I enjoy love and life to the full despite my physical limitations and remain curious and open to new things. Live and respect your life. It is short and precious.

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