Think Tank 2022

At Think Tank 2022, 30 personalities from the worlds of culture, business, sport and society exchanged views and jointly set the content priorities of Swiss Diversity. The annual exchange focuses on the opportunities, potential and challenges of diversity in Switzerland. The basis of this shared vision is the "Declaration for Diversity and Inclusion in Switzerland" - the recognition of the unique diversity of Swiss society.


Declaration for diversity and inclusion in Switzerland

Switzerland - a country of diversity

To all those who help shape our society:

Switzerland is and always has been a place of diversity. A country of multilingualism and different denominations, a country of immigration and federalism, of direct democracy and diversity of opinion.

In order to successfully pursue this path of diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion, we are committed to human rights, both now and in the future. The integration of findings from research and practice is fully in line with this.

In order for Switzerland to continue to develop into a place where everyone can freely develop their personal potential in social, cultural, political and economic terms and participate in the state and society, the diversity of society must be recognized, promoted, shaped, protected and preserved.

We are committed to a broad-based discourse between society, business, politics, religions, sport and culture that addresses the challenges, opportunities and resources of diversity and shapes the path to the future in a cooperative, inclusive way - a path of equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion.

The focus here is on the internationally recognized core dimensions of diversity and inclusion, although Switzerland still has potential for development in all dimensions.

- Gender

- Sexual orientation and gender identity

- Age

- Ethnic origin

- Nationality and skin color

- Religion and ideology

- Disability - Social background

The following persons personally stand with their name for the recognition and promotion of diversity in Swiss society and the elimination of discrimination, so that equal opportunities apply to all and diversity and inclusion are actively practised in Switzerland.

All signatories are committed to taking this discourse out into society. Because we at the Swiss Diversity Think Tank are convinced that practising equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion has a positive impact on our society here in Switzerland.

Bern, March 21, 2022

Rückblick Ziele 2022


Formulate clear goals and achieve a sustainable social and economic impact.


Setting new standards in terms of the objective measurability and scientific examination of diversity and inclusion.


Enabling intergenerational and interlingual exchange with personalities from the fields of business, politics, research, culture and society.


Making the ideal of diversity and inclusion visible in individual statements by selected personalities.


Create a culture of dialog and development through focus topics that shape Switzerland as a whole.


Be a think tank for visionary ideas and promote innovative approaches to improve diversity and inclusion in Switzerland.


Be a mouthpiece for future topics in the area of diversity and inclusion and thereby strengthen Switzerland as a location.

"To ensure that Switzerland remains a place of diversity in the future, we must implement all the different diversity and inclusion categories in our society, recognize their development potential and put them into practice."

Christiane Bisanzio Vice President Diversity & Inclusion and People & Culture, JTI

Download the Diversity Declaration here.

Personalities Think Tank 2022

Wir sind Meinungsmacher und Entscheider*innen in der Wirtschaft, Kulturinstitutionen, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft, Politik und Religion. Der Think Tank widerspiegelt Diversität und Inklusion in unserer Gesellschaft.

Sanija Ameti

Co-President Operation Libero

Bruno Barth

National Director of Special Olympics


Christiane Bisanzio

Vice President Diversity & Inclusion and People & Culture JTI

Ferris Bühler

PR expert & founder of Ferris Bühler Communications

Reyn Ffoulkes

Communications Manager Coca-Cola Company Switzerland

Nicola Forster

Founder of foraus and President of the Swiss Society for the Common Good (SGG)

Daniela Frau

Diversity Manager Delegate ZHAW

Manuela Frey

Swiss model

Paola Riva Gapany

President of Aids-Hilfe Schweiz

Kapi Kapinga Grab

Co-director of Wildwuchs Festival, actress and artist

Alec von Graffenried

Mayor of Berne

Alain Huber

Director Pro Senectute Switzerland

Andrew Holland

Managing Director of the Mercator Foundation Switzerland

Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter

Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Berner Kantonalbank

Maike Kiessling

General Manager Estée Lauder Switzerland

Stefan Kilchenmann

Chairman of C&K Construcciones S.A.S. and Board of Directors of Nau Holding AG

Felicia Kreiselmaier

Co-founder of "Die Heitere Fahne" and co-developer of the cultural label "Kultur inklusiv"

Claudia Lässer

Chief Product Officer blue Sports & blue News (coming later)

Stephan Lendi

Founder Swiss Diversity

Markus Mader ‍

Director of the Swiss Red Cross

Claude Meier

Pink Cross and Director Hotelleriesuisse

Simone Müller-Staubli

Founder of Swiss Diversity

Hans-Peter Nehmer

Head of Corporate Communications & Sustainability, Allianz Suisse ‍

Curdin Orlik


Andreas Rieder

Head of the Federal Office for the Equality of Persons with Disabilities EBGB ‍

Anitavan Rozen

Senior Policy Officer Economic Section at the Dutch Embassy in Switzerland Employee of Anita van Rozen, Dutch Embassy in Switzerland

Michel Rudin

Founder of Swiss Diversity and Co-President of Pink Cross

Christoph Stuehn

Vice Director Kunsthaus Zürich

Lena-Lisa Wüstendörfer

Swiss conductor

Salome Zimmermann

Swiss lawyer and former judge at the Swiss Federal Administrative Court

Greg Zwygart

Head of Sport at the EuroGames Bern 2023

Photos Think Tank 2022
